Pupil Supervision Policy
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School
Pupil Supervision Policy
Day pupils are expected to arrive at school by 8.15am, and are expected to go home by 5.30pm unless they are staying late for a function. Pupils are not allowed on site without supervision. At least one member of the teaching staff is always present on duty in order to supervise pupils whenever they are in the school outside normal school hours. All members of the teaching staff are expected to take their share of break and lunchtime supervisory duties, as well as prep duties. Residential staff are on duty in the Boarding house in the evenings and at weekends. Pupils are able to call on a member of staff at any time if necessary.
The main duty times are:
Break duty (10.15am - 10.45am)
Lunch-time duty (Pre-Prep: 11.40am – 1.15pm Prep:12.50pm - 1.20pm and 1.20pm - 1.50pm)
After school 'drink & biscuit' (Pre-Prep: 3.30pm – 4.30pm Prep: 4.30pm - 4.45pm)
Pre-Prep supervision (4.45pm – pick up by parents/carers) and Prep supervision/clubs (4.45pm – 5.30pm)
Arrangements are made to ensure pupils are supervised during play and music rehearsals, or other events that bring small groups into school out of hours. Members of the PE Department supervise pupils on both home and away matches.
The School adheres to the requirements of Standard 15 of the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools (2011), ensuring that there are sufficient staff members supervising boarders and day pupils who are in the boarding house in the mornings or after school and who are aware of the pupils' whereabouts at all times.
We take a register of pupils at the start of the morning and afternoon sessions. Parents are responsible for notifying the school if their child is absent for any reason. The school will always contact the parent if a child fails to arrive at school without an explanation. In addition, Pre-Prep staff will only release a child at the end of his or her session into the care of a parent or other individual whose name has been notified to us in advance.
We make sure that we know the whereabouts of all boarding pupils at all times by operating a signing in and signing out system when boarders leave the school, and by registering attendance in the boarding house.
There is a qualified nurse (RGN) on duty in the Surgery during morning sessions of the school day, and during match afternoons, who has overall responsibility for the medical wellbeing of the children, contacts the doctor or dentist when necessary and has the overall responsibility for the administration of drugs and medication needed by the children. She is available to deal with any accidents or emergencies, or to help if someone is taken ill.
A number of members of the teaching staff and non-teaching staff, are trained and qualified to First Aid at Work standard and all staff are required to be qualified in emergency first aid, appropriate to the age of the children they work with. Names of First Aiders are published on the intranet and on first aid notices that are displayed around the school.
First aid boxes are in the surgery, in all potentially high risk areas, on buses as well as in the School Office. Sports kit and kits for outward bound activities are provided. (The School Nurse regularly checks and replenishes the first aid boxes).
Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children travel safely to and from school.
The arrangements for the supervision of pupils during educational visits and trips out of schools are described in our policy: “Educational Visits.” Our arrangements for the supervision of EYFS children on visits is described in our “Policy for Educational Visits by EYFS Children”.
Pupils are not allowed to use gymnastic or athletic equipment without supervision. Pupils are expected to follow reasonable instructions given to them by teachers or by qualified leaders in adventurous activities.
We ensure that pupils do not have unsupervised access to potentially dangerous areas, such as the science laboratories etc. Doors to these areas are kept locked when not in use. All flammables are kept securely locked in appropriate storage facilities.
Pupils do not have access to the Grounds, Maintenance, Catering and Caretaking areas of the school. Clear signs are displayed.
The arrangements for the supervision of EYFS pupils in the Nursery Department of the school are set out in our policy: “Information for Parents of EYFS Children”.
Our policy: “Security, Access Control Workplace Safety and Lone Working” describes the arrangements for safety of the entire school.
All new members of the teaching staff receive a thorough induction into the school’s expectations of the appropriate levels of pupil supervision. Guidance is given on areas within the buildings and grounds that should be regularly checked when on duty outside normal lesson times.
Updated September 2012
Reviewed March 2013