
Staff Induction, Training and Development

Staff Induction, Training and Development

Rationale (what induction is and why it is important)

Barnardiston Hall Prep School is striving to become a learning school through a culture of continuous improvement. Our main purpose is learning - for both staff and pupils. Through the continuous learning of our staff, the school improves and develops, bringing ever greater benefits for our pupils.

Effective induction is a vital foundation for continuous learning by supporting the effective performance and continuing professional development of all staff new to the school. Induction is a process which starts before a person joins the school and continues through the first year at the school and beyond. Induction is a process which aims to increase the effectiveness of all staff, both as individuals and as team members, by ensuring they understand the policies and expectations of the school and by supporting highly effective performance. This policy applies to teaching and support staff. It thus enables them to contribute to the school's vision and goals and to fulfil its guiding principles.

The induction process will ensure mutual benefit for the individual and the school Purposes.

Our induction process will:

$1·          Contribute to improving and developing the overall effectiveness of the school, raising pupil achievement, and meet the needs of pupils, parents and the wider community

$1·         • Contribute to job satisfaction, personal achievement, individual and team effort, thus providing for effective work at the school

$1·         • Ensure teachers new to the profession have the best start in their careers and are supported in effective practice.

$1·         • Ensure all staff new to the school understand what is expected of them at the school and gain support to achieve those expectation

$1·         • Build co-operation between staff of all sections of the school

$1·         • Ensure that all staff are valued and recognised as the school's most important asset

Guidelines (how will staff development be implemented)

Induction activity is planned in the context of the school's vision, goals and guiding principles and national standards for teacher induction and for other specific roles and responsibilities.

Resources are prioritised to support induction. Resource will be available for the whole school programme of induction and to meet the needs of specific staff in helping them to meet the standards required by the school.

Management and Organisation of Induction

Mr P Whittles and Mr T Dodgson are responsible for the overall management and organisation of Induction, including Newly Qualified Teacher Induction across the whole school.

Newly Qualified Teachers

For Newly Qualified Teachers, the school provides a programme of support, monitoring and assessment. The timetable for this programme is provided at a whole school level and at an individual NQT level. Each Newly Qualified Teacher is provided with an Induction Tutor, (currently Mr T Dodgson). The Induction Tutor is responsible for the day to day management of the induction of Newly Qualified Teachers. Induction tutors will be supported in their role by:

• being provided with information from ISTIP and school, relevant to the induction process;

• being offered training provided by ISTIP on the Role of the Induction tutor

• Asking for feedback from the school and ISTIP on the quality of their work.

School Induction programme for Newly Qualified Teachers

The induction programme for staff new to teaching is designed to induct them into the profession and into the school.

At the school, all new teachers are expected to undertake their professional responsibility in striving to meet high standards

The induction programme at the school consists of support, monitoring and assessment elements and NQTs are expected to engage in the programme

All new teachers are allocated an Induction Tutor.

Within the resources available in the school new teachers are offered a subject/year group mentor when possible.

All new teachers are invited to visit the school before they take up post.

All new teachers are met on their first day by their induction tutor and mentor.

All new teachers are provided with copies of school policies and the school's staff handbook and be expected to develop their understanding of them.

All new teachers will meet with the Headmaster within their first week in post.

NQTs will receive feedback on their strengths and areas for development

Induction Tutors are responsible for the day to day management of their NQT's induction and will meet with their NQT regularly. The Induction Tutor reviews progress, set targets, and identifies support strategies with the NQT.

All newly qualified teachers are observed teaching during their statutory induction period and this is undertaken by the Induction Tutor, senior members of staff and experienced teachers as appropriate.

Three formal assessments will be undertaken during the NQT induction period. These will be documented on forms that are sent to ISTIP and must be signed by the NQT, Induction Tutor and Headmaster

Each NQT has 10% professional development time during their statutory induction period. This is in addition to the teaching and professional development time that other substantive teachers would expect in the school.

Each NQT has a planned programme to ensure 10% professional development is used to the maximum effect.

NQTs use the Career Entry and Development profile as a basis of planning the initial stages of their induction.

Each NQT develops with their Induction Tutor their own induction and support plan.

Each NQT is expected to maintain a professional record of their induction and professional development and start to construct a professional development portfolio.

The Induction Tutor and school maintains a documented record of the NQTs induction, including plans, notes of meetings, records of monitoring and assessment activities including classroom observations, feedback comments, and professional development activities undertaken.

Newly Qualified Teachers who are not meeting the induction standards or making satisfactory progress towards them will develop with the Induction Tutor a detailed action plan. The school will increase the support necessary to implement the action plan within the available resources within the school. As appropriate, ISTIP will be involved to ensure the action plan can be implemented.

Induction for experienced staff

All new experienced staff will be allocated a mentor.

All new staff will be invited to visit the school before they take up post.

All new staff will be met on their first day by their mentor.

All new staff will be provided with copies of school policies and the school's staff handbook and be expected to develop their understanding of them.

All new staff will meet with the Headmaster within their first week in post.

An induction programme will be provided by Mr P Whittles for new staff and their attendance is expected.

All new staff will be expected to contribute to the spirit and life of the school to ensure a conducive environment for learn for all school members, students and staff.

Induction of Support Staff New to the role

All support staff will be invited to the school prior to taking up the post.

All new support staff will have an experienced member of staff who will discuss their job description with them. An induction programme will be designed for each new member of support staff.








Staff Training and Development


Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is striving to become a learning school through a culture of continuous improvement. Our business is learning – for both staff and pupils. Through the continuous learning of our staff, the school will improve and develop, bringing ever greater benefits for our pupils.

Staff development is the process of staff learning which aims to increase the effectiveness of all staff both as individuals and as team members. It thus enables them to contribute to the school’s vision and goals and to fulfil its guiding principles. The staff development process will ensure mutual benefit for the individual and the school.


Our staff development process will:

– contribute to improving and developing the overall effectiveness of the school, raising pupil achievement, and meeting the needs of pupils, parents and the wider community.

– ensure job satisfaction, personal achievement, individual and team effort, thus providing for personal advancement within the school or outside it.

– improve and develop teaching, management and other job related skills in the context of changing educational needs.

– build co-operation between staff of all sections of the school.

– ensure that all staff are valued and recognised as the school’s most important asset.


All staff development activity is planned in the context of the school’s vision, goals and guiding principles. Resources are prioritised to achieve school goals.

Financial and other resources for staff development are allocated by the Headmaster and apportioned in accordance with school priorities for strategic development, continuing professional development and succession planning.

Staff development needs are identified in the context of school goals and targets together with regular performance reviews in the form of appraisals for all staff. Staff are entitled to an appraisal annually with the Headmaster or relevant members of the SMT.

Staff are supported in determining their own development needs in the context of school development goals.

Members of the SMT have a responsibility to enable appropriate development for staff, within agreed budgetary constraints and at the final discretion of the Headmaster.

Staff development begins with provision of a mentor and a relevant induction programme and continues throughout employment in the school. Specific induction and support are provided for staff who are new to the school (see Induction above).

Staff development is provided through a wide range of activities including: internal and external courses, observation, coaching and mentoring. Every experience can become an opportunity.

Individual and school based records of staff development activity are kept to ensure equality of opportunity and continuity and progression in the development of professional skills.

All staff development activity is monitored and evaluated to assess its contribution to school improvement and raising pupil achievement.

  crested logo Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is a trading name for Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Ltd
 Directors:  KA Boulter and RA Richardson              Company Registration Number 3005470
Registered Office: Greenwood House, Greenwood Court, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7GY
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