Whistleblowing Policy
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory school
Whistleblowing Policy
(requirement for staff to report concerns or allegations of risk of harm to pupils)
This policy arises out of Standards 11 and 15 of the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools (2011) concerning child protection, staffing boarders' views.
This policy needs to be read in conjunction with other related school policies and practice guidelines –
- Child Protection Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Discipline Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Staff Disciplinary Policy
In the standards document, whistle blowing is defined as – “ A person who in good faith reports significant concerns, allegations or suspicions of circumstances, situations or the behaviour of others which is likely to put a child’s safety or welfare at risk.”
Some people within Barnardiston Hall have considerable power over other adults and boarders. Research into the causes of abuse within residential settings has clearly shown a link between those who are in a position of power and an abuse of that power. It has been shown that staff were aware of abuses taking place but would not speak out for fear of victimisation from their bosses.
Following the Waterhouse Inquiry into abuse within children homes and residential schools in Wales, the National Care Standards Commission required that every residential school have a so-called “whistle blowers’ ” charter.
Aims of the Policy
- ALL staff and volunteers, (whether day or residential) have the right, and a responsibility, to raise genuinely held concerns about abuses of power and trust by colleagues towards pupils.
- This policy is designed to ensure that genuinely held concerns are raised, and effectively addressed, by people working at Barnardiston Hall on a paid and unpaid basis. This policy also covers other people who come into the school in an official role i.e. students on placement and inspectors from outside agencies.
- A genuinely held concern might be about the following.
- Illegal and unacceptable behaviour, for example a member of staff having a physical relationship with a student.
- Misuse of school budgets.
- Poor standards of physical and emotional care.
- The “cover up” of a serious incident.
- No-one exercising their right to raise a concern in good faith under this policy will be penalised for doing so. Any attempt to victimise staff, volunteers and students for raising genuine concerns, or to prevent such concerns being raised, will be regarded as a disciplinary matter.
- This policy does not-
- Replace the Grievance Procedure.
- Replace Barnardiston’s Complaints Procedure.
- Replace Barnardiston’s Disciplinary Procedure.
- Replace the Child Protection Policy.
- Require staff, volunteers or students to prove that their suspicions are well founded. However, they must have reasonable grounds for their suspicions.
- Under this policy, staff are required to act promptly and appropriately when concerns have been raised.
Personal Awareness and Social Context
- However good we, and others, consider the practice at Barnardiston Hall, we cannot work in isolation to the various scandals and inquiries that have impacted upon schools with residential provision. Parents and outside agencies are more demanding of reassurances that practice is sound and safe.
- Professional practice and behaviour towards children and young people has changed over the last 20 years. Similarly, the behaviour of a small number of abusive staff in other establishments has meant that all residential staff have had their practice reviewed.
Who should a member of staff contact?
Everyone is encouraged to talk directly to their line manager about concerns without having to necessarily involve outside bodies. Within the School, Mr Dodgson can always be directly contacted by any of the staff.
Staff and pupils are required under the National Care Standards to have access to the National Care Standards Commission. In practical terms this means having the address and phone number of the local NCSC office which is –
National Care Standards Commission
Suffolk Area Office
St Vincent House
Cutler Street
Tel: 01473 269050
Staff can also Whistle-Blow to a member of the Senior Management Team:
Colonel K Boulter
Mr T Dodgson,
Mrs A Gregory
Mrs L Gundersen
Mrs R Richardson
Mr N Robinson
Mr P Whittles
People who contact another person in order to whistle blow must be prepared for their concerns to be taken further. No one can expect their concerns to be kept confidential but they can be reassured that they will not be victimized subsequently. Whistle blowing is rooted in the need to keep children and young people safe, it is not about getting other people into trouble.
An independent authority on whistle blowing - the Public Concern at Work website - can be found at – www.pcaw.co.uk
The website contains all relevant legislation, policy and publications for those concerned about malpractice. It provides free, professional and personal advice, a campaign to change policy, and provides a consultancy to employers.
Updated March 2013